Accurate Trailer Hitch & Welding


Selecting the Right Ball Mount


The trailer should level in order to insure safe and comfortable towing. Trailer and vehicle heights often differ, as a result a ballmount with a rise or a drop might be necessary. Follow the steps below to help you determine which size ballmount is right for you towing needs.




Distance from the center of the ball hole to the center of the pin hole



Distance from the top of the shank to the top of the ball platform



Distance from the top of the shank to the top of the ball platform


Step 1 (Determine the Hitch Height) – Measure from the ground to the top of the trailer hitch. 

Step 2 (Measure the Coupler Height) – Measure from the ground to the (inside) top of the trailercoupler.  Trailer must be LEVEL. 

Step 3 – Subtract the height of the hitch ball (most are 2-1/2” to 3” high) from the coupler measurement. Compute the Difference between the Hitch Height and the Coupler Height. The difference in the two measurements is the amount of ball mount “rise” or “drop” required.

Step 4 – Contact us so we can custom make you ball mount.


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